Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 4

Point to ponder: There is more to life than just here and there.

Question: Since I was made to lat forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the one thing I should start doing today?

One thing that I should stop doing would be, holding a grudge with people I hate. It’s killing me inside that I don’t have peace and sometimes it led me of thinking hurting them physically. I once did that, with someone who provoked me, I won’t go to the details I’m just thankful that the mirror didn’t break. Anyway, after we fought, I felt guilty thinking I have hurt someone physically. I wasn’t use to it. Since that day, I controlled my temper and never again will I hurt people using my bare hands. It’s unjust and that’s not how my parents raised me to be. I never asked for her forgiveness because she started the fight…I know its pride, but I already forgive myself of hurting her.

Anyway, one thing that I should start doing today would be trying to forget my past. My past haunts me, since I never met my parents, of course, I am affected with that and holds a grudge to them. Hopefully, this grudge will soon disappear with God’s help.

I still have the same pain for the past 20 years of my life but I strongly believe the pain I’m feeling now will soon fade away in God’s time. I am done with holding Grudge with people who have hurt me for the reason that it’s unhealthy for my soul and heart.

photo courtesy: God Picking Up the pieces for US

1 comment:

  1. The reason why the "pain" is constantly hurting you is because you are letting it do so. You are letting the past affect you when in fact it was left behind by others to be buried in history. Gets? Don't let the past affect you. Learn to forgive others because there are valid reasons as to why some people do certain things. And sometimes, since we are not them, we can never fully understand unless we are faced with the same dilemma. Plus, there is a reason for everything just as there is a purpose for your life on earth. You have a calling, listen to it. Learn to accept your past, what and who you are right now, love the life and the things you have, and accept the reality that there are some things that are just not meant for you to have.. because God intends something better for you. That's how much HE LOVES YOU.
